Saturday, December 11, 2010

Shady Lady

I must admit I'm a sucker for the classic chic, but it does a fashionista good to dip her wardrobe in the Wild Side every once in while (and vice-versa). Don't get me wrong, owning a "signature look" is empowering! It shows that you have honed the controlled skill of picking out things that coordinate with the rest of your wardrobe in the clothing department, instead of frantically snatching up random assortments of fashion catastrophes. You know what looks good, and you know where to find it.

But never fall into the category where everyone else knows what you're going to wear, too. It is possible to channel your favorite look consistently without being predictable.

Which brings me back to Point A: Take a dip in the Wild Side.
Punching up your wardrobe with pieces that keep it fresh and current isn't difficult. I've been trying to employ my own advice, and find some sunglasses that have a classic look, but still contain that bit of an edge.

Et Voila! Cat eye sunglasses. Now to find the perfect pair...

Marilyn; Secretary Style
Olivia Palermo
Them Tom Fords on the right are fierce.
Prada is fabulous.

I apologize for your new obsession.

But not really, because a passion for fashion is such a great thing.

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